Exterior House Painting
in Coeur d'Alene ID

High-Quality Exterior House Painting in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Is the exterior of your house overdue for a paint job? Painting or staining your home is an important way to maintain it and invest in it. When you work with highly skilled exterior house painters, you enjoy beautiful and lasting results.

Why You Need Exterior House Painting for Your Idaho Home
Increased Value

Exterior paint jobs are an effective way to boost the value of your property. Your home will have a much stronger curb appeal, making it more attractive to visitors, including prospective buyers or tenants.

Reputable exterior house painters will help you get rid of problems that make your home unsightly, such as dirt, mildew and paint that's fading, peeling, or chipping away. They'll also replace drab or outdated color combinations with fresh and beautiful choices.


What Our Customers Are Saying

Enhanced Protection

If you live in or near Coeur d'Alene ID, you know that the weather can get extremely cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Temperature extremes inflict stress on the exterior surfaces of your house.

One of the key purposes of paint or stain is to help protect your siding and other surfaces from a range of damaging forces, including rough weather, regular sunlight exposure, moisture intrusion, and pest activity. Paints, stains, and specialized coatings make your house more resilient against damage.

Personal Enjoyment

You deserve a home that gives you satisfaction and makes you proud to live in it. When you hire professionals for exterior house painting or re-staining, you enjoy a revitalized home that feels new and exciting.

Which Parts of Your Home's Exterior Needs New Paint, Stain or Specialty Coating?

There are multiple areas of your home that may need a paint job, particularly:

  • The siding and trim (painted or stained)
  • Exterior doors (painted or stained)
  • Window shutters (painted or stained)
  • Decks or fences (semi-transparent or solid stain)
  • Stonework, Aggregate or concrete walkways and driveways (industrial clear coating)

If you aren't sure how much work needs to be done on your home, don't hesitate to consult with us. We'll evaluate your property and provide you with a free estimate.

Professional Exterior Painters in Coeur d Alene ID

The Benefits of Hiring High-Quality Exterior House Painters
Deep Knowledge

When people attempt a do-it-yourself paint job, they usually don't know which paint products will work best for their home. They don't know how the chemicals in these products interact with specific materials, such as wood, vinyl, or brick. They aren't trained in the best techniques to use, and they aren't sure about how to prepare surfaces for a paint application.

In contrast, experienced and highly trained professionals have this necessary knowledge. Furthermore, they keep that knowledge updated. At our company, we stay familiar with the latest developments in technologies, tools, techniques, paint products, and specialized coatings.

Rigorous Standards

Licensed and insured, we work meticulously and expect nothing less from ourselves than excellent results. Whenever we complete a paint job, we evaluate the outcome to ensure that it meets our strict standards and your approval.

Another way we demonstrate rigorous standards is by hiring highly qualified workers. We carefully select each member of our team and only keep the ones who fit our vision of putting client satisfaction above all else. You can count on them to work with skill, professionalism, and safety consciousness. They'll treat your property with care.

Exterior Painting Services in Coeur d Alene ID


Exterior house painting is a process with multiple steps, and none of them can be performed poorly or overlooked. The preparation stages, for example, include cleaning the surfaces and repairing damage. Paints, primers, and other products, such as sealants, all need to be applied at the right time and with the appropriate techniques.

We never cut corners by skipping steps or settling for sloppy work. You can expect a paint job that's uniformly beautiful and durable.


Working with thoroughness doesn't mean that we work slowly. You can depend on our efficiency, and you don't have to worry about preventable delays.

We take every reasonable step to minimize disruption to your daily routines. When you reach out to us for a painting project, we'll work out a schedule that suits you.


We earn our customers' trust through the quality of our work and through our consistent integrity. We offer fair prices and never try to slip hidden fees or other nasty surprises into the bill. Also, we follow through on our promises and treat our customers with honesty, respect, and professionalism.

Outstanding Customer Service

From the moment you contact us, we focus on customer service. We respond quickly and pay close attention to your requirements and preferences. Throughout the project, we let you know what's going on, and we give you honest and complete answers to any questions you might have. You also enjoy a two-year warranty with every paint job.

We've been in business for many years and have developed strong relationships with our customers. They know that they can trust us with their home and that their satisfaction is guaranteed.

Contact GB Painting LLC

If you live in or around Coeur d'Alene ID, don't hesitate to contact us for outstanding exterior house painting. A paint job has a significant impact on the value, beauty, and strength of your home, so you need to work with top professionals. Reach out to us at 208-277-6502 or through our site.

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